Monday, November 5, 2012

And now he's 4

I admit, I tend to be a pen and paper kind of girl.  But as I sit in front a computer for more hours than I probably should, and Cameron can whip through levels on apps that I haven't seen before, it is very clear that this is the medium that he will know.

I want him to know so much.  More than he can possibly be told in the shortness that is a 24 hour day.  More than anything, I want him to know that he is loved.  So today I begin this blog for Cameron, with all the love and hope and best wishes that a mother can muster.

One day soon I'll scan the written pages of memories and thoughts that I have into this blog- everything in it's place.  Until then I'll move forward from here- Cameron's 4th year.  So far so great.